Sunday, March 19, 2006

Lazy Sunday?

Sunday started off with a phone call at 6.55 am from our eldest son wanting collecting from his friends house. He had wanted to stay over after a party last night but then decided that he needed his own bed. Now that wouldn't be so bad as we're already up and about sorting the dogs out at that time, but usually the first car journey of the day is to take the dogs for a walk on the moor. They were not happy that they were left behind and proceeded to howl. As my neighbours are normal and do not rise at this hour on Sundays I had to go round giving treats for being quiet, which only worked until I reached the end of the line. Eventually they gave up and decided to sulk instead, at least that was quiet.
Yesterday the sun made a fleeting appearance so we put the dogs outside in their run for a while, they decided they really prefer being couch potatoes and pleaded to be allowed back in. You can see that Roma isn't quite tall enough to see, so she extends her ears like periscopes. Saska decided to let the other dogs do the pleading, her older back legs don't work quite so well now. Juno was quite happy in the run as he likes squirrel watching and there was one doing tricks to entertain him while hanging from the bird feeder.

I am continuing with my painting on the drafting film, I am very impressed with it. For anyone who works with coloured pencil it is well worth giving it a try. The pencil point lasts longer and there are no little flecks of colour flaking off and getting impressed into the picture. Even dog fur has nothing to cling to and floats away to await the vacuum.
If you want to see where I'm up to with Hallie the Dachshund. have a look at my website.
I am going to start a new piece either today or tomorrow and will include a work in progress.

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